When the class was told to think about what we had to do the project on, I initially was very indecisive, as I always am. Being indecisive really seems to hurt my thought processes as i cannot concentrate on what i want to do. At first I had many different ideas on what I can work on such as a breakup story, a day in school life, growing up etc. but these did not seem to interest me. I kept thinking and asking my friends what I should do and only got boring ideas.
I then thought to myself when i was watching youtube videos about psychology and mental disorders about a close family friend of mine that had OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder. This rang a bell. I remember how tough it was for her and I remember being extremely interested on finding out why she was like how she was. Being in psychology interested me in all the different types of disorders and i thought to myself maybe I could make this into a POV/ explanatory video? So, so far this is what I am interested in.
Making this blog is actually helping me focus on how I want to break down this project. Even just picking the background of the theme of my blog sparked an idea in my head. The color blue. Might seem weird but that helps bring the whole idea together, since OCD is a really depressing the blue sky makes the tone low and the empty road shows the significance of being alone in the journey of this mental illness. The title different will probably be altered but for now, I believe it fits as someone definitely feels isolated and different when they have this disorder.
The production in my head seems incredible as I can incorporate different camera shots, angles, editing and many more techniques! I am beyond excited to start this journey on my production on the mental disorder called OCD, as many people are not fully educated on what its about or how it can affect someones life.
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